Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Stock Carnival Ecstasy - April 10, 2013

1903 stock certificate of the Baltimore and Oh...
1903 stock certificate of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Welcome to the April 10, 2013 edition of Stock Carnival Ecstasy. John Schmoll from Frugal Rules looks at Your Retirement Planning. Jason Hull compares the S&P 500 Index to a Dartboard. And finally Bill Smith writes about Jackson Hewitt's Tax Advice For Recent College Graduates. Hope you like all the articles, bookmark, share, tweet, post on your Facebook wall and come back real soon.


John Schmoll presents Is Your Retirement Planning Frightening? posted at Frugal Rules, saying, "Looking at the statistics, many people are behind in a big way in terms of saving for retirement. Don’t allow yourself to be another statistic and start now, even if small and it will help that discipline of saving money over time."


Jason Hull presents The Index or the Dartboard? The S&P 500’s 2012 Performance by the Numbers posted at Hull Financial Planning, saying, "Would you have been better off randomly picking a stock in the S&P 500 or investing in an index fund? This article looks at 2012's performance."


Bill Smith presents Jackson Hewitts Tax Advice For Recent College Graduates posted at 2008 Taxes, saying, "Recently, Jackson Hewitt released its biggest tax tips for college graduates. Recent graduates often make some big mistakes on their returns that are more than avoidable."

Bill Smith
presents Last Minute Tax Tips When Using Turbo Tax 2013 posted at 2009 Tax, saying, "Before you head to, take a moment to read through these tips. With the deadline approaching, you need to know what to do at the last minute to make the filing process successful."

Bill Smith
presents Finding The Right Online Tax Prep posted at 2009 Taxes, saying, "The nice thing about these different options is that they are all free and allow you to quickly get your information in so you can receive your refund."

Bill Smith
presents TurboTax Helps Users Get More Accurate Tax Returns posted at 2010 Tax, saying, "Each year, Americans are forced to go through last year’s financial information and prepare a tax return."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of stock carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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