Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stock Carnival Ecstasy - November 25, 2010

AutoZone, an automotive parts shop, at 364 Sou...Image via Wikipedia

Welcome to the November 25, 2010 edition of Stock Carnival Ecstasy.We have a number of really good articles this week. HomeList has tips on making a List of Rules to Invest By that you should take a look at. Mike Piper takes a look at International Bond ETFs. Nesher stays with ETFs and looks at Emerging Markets Exchange-traded Funds. Finally Steve has a good look at AutoZone (AZO) which Continues to Perform with an aggressive purchase buy-back program. Hope you enjoy the material, bookmark, share, and come back next time.

Shaheen E Lakhan presents The Price of Happiness posted at Brain Blogger, saying, "An analysis of income and happiness in the United States reveals that a salary of $75,000 does, in fact, buy happiness."

Rosetta presents Interest Rates for IRA posted at Stock Tips, saying, "Finding the best IRA interest rates available today is a good way to protect your retirement portfolio. Learn how to calculate the interest rates for IRA to help get you better returns."

Rosetta presents Cash Flow Notes posted at Stock Tips, saying, "Cash flow notes are similar to an IOU for debts that can either be purchased or sold. Get some investment tips if you wish to have smooth transactions with potential note buyers."


HomeList presents How to Make a List of Rules to Invest By posted at The Investor's Journal.

Jane Sanders presents How to Get Debt Collectors to Leave You Alone posted at Debt Management.

Mike Piper presents International Bond ETFs and Funds: Should You Own Them? posted at The Oblivious Investor, saying, "Does it make sense for U.S. investors to own international bond ETFs or funds?"

Nesher presents Should You Consider Emerging Markets Exchange-traded Funds? posted at Internet Stock Trading for Beginners.

Michael presents Chase United Mileage Plus® Signature® Visa Card Review posted at Consumerism Commentary, saying, "thanks for the inclusion"

MoneyNing presents Can We Agree That Money Is Important? posted at Money Ning, saying, "Money is not everything but important nonetheless. We often try to downplay its role but we should only go so far!"

Judy Blackburn presents What Sets Christian Debt Relief Apart From Others posted at Debt Consolidation, saying, "Are Christian debt relief companies the same as regular debt relief companies?"

Housing Reporter presents House Prices Will Continue To Fall posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "Unfortunately, house prices will continue to fall for quite some time. The imbalance between housing supply and demand can only be cured by an increase in the number of people wanting to live in local area houses, not by shifting people from the leasing side of the market to the owning side of the market."


Michael Pruser presents The Lowdown on Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "thanks for the inclusion"

Steve presents AutoZone (AZO) Continues to Perform posted at FastSwings, saying, "Autozone has performed great over the past year and looks to continue to perform well."


Andrew Yeung presents Saving Money Tips For This Holiday Season posted at ComboInk Blog, saying, "If you are looking for meaningful and enjoyable holiday season, then here you can find some saving money tips for this holiday season."

Alexander presents Blackrock Equity Dividend Fund posted at Dividend Stocks, saying, "Learn how the Blackrock Equity Dividend fund can produce high yields for your portfolio."


Jason Vincion presents How to Invest posted at For the Love of Creativity, saying, "A blog post that offers suggestions on how to find sound investments that accrue interest over the rate of inflation."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of stock carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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