Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stock Market Fast Swings from - August 6, 2009

Quiet Girl with a Credit Card
Quiet Girl with a Credit Card (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Welcome to the August 6, 2009 edition of Stock Market Fast Swings from Jonathan from Debt Loans presents the pros and the cons of consolidating debt to start of this week's edition. While Pieter is on a quest for the Best Automated Forex Trading System on his FOREX NEWBIE blog. And Ray has a review of Zecco trading where Free Broker Trading is a a great thing.

investment ideals

Jonathan from Debt Loans presents The Pros and Cons of Consolidating Your Credit Card Debt | Debt Loans posted at Debt Loans, saying, "Although most of us don’t discuss it openly, credit card debt is one of the most important issues in our lives. The carefree lure of buying it now and paying for it layer appeals to the procastinator in all of us, but now that it’s later, it can be quite overwhelming to consider how much we actually owe. If you are at this point in your credit card relationship, then you’ve probably already heard of credit card consolidation. If you haven’t, credit card consolidation is basically bundling all of your debt into one singular debt. There are benefits to it, but there are also risks. Before you make up your mind, here’s some ideas to consider:"

Master Your Card presents Repairing Bad Credit and Why You Should Bother posted at Master Your Card, saying, "Repairing your credit isn’t easy and it isn’t fun, I should know. But, it’s possible to do if you have the patience and will to get it done.

Why Bother?

I’ve had a number of clients over the years who’ve asked me that question. Why should they bother to clean up their credit, what good is it to them? Well, most of us understand that our credit is what determines whether or not we can get various loans, and then what interest rate we’re offered for it."

Pieter presents Introduction posted at FOREX NEWBIE, saying, "The Quest For The Best Automated Forex Trading System"

Investing School presents What is Forex? posted at Investing School, saying, "Forex refers to currency exchange and here's more explanation of it."

Mike smmrs johnson presents Trading System Part 1 posted at System Trading | Stocks Trading Systems, saying, "This current trading system uses multiple exit strategies. In normal trading system, you need to know when to exit from a gain, and when to exit from a loss. Generally you want to be cutting your profits short, and letting your profits run. At a minimum, you generally want nearly a 3:1 gain to loss. This means you should take profits at 3 times the percentage amount as you cut your losses short. We will use this system and do the following..."


Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents Does Zecco’s New Rate Change Make You Want to Change Brokerage Firms? posted at Cash Money Life, saying, "Comparing three of the most popular online stock brokerages."

Ray presents Zecco Review: Free Broker Trading posted at Money Blue Book.

Master Your Card presents Beware The Curse of The Cosigner posted at Master Your Card, saying, "If you’re diligent about paying your bills and keeping your credit score high, the time may come that someone may ask you to cosign for a credit card. This will become even more likely once President Obama’s CARD Act goes into effect in 2010, requiring anyone under age 21 applying for a credit card to have a cosigner if they don’t have sufficient income. Often, the person asking is a family member or friend that you may find it hard to turn down. But is the satisfaction of helping another worth the risk of destroying the credit rating you’ve worked so hard to achieve? Only you can answer that question, but there are a few things you should consider before making your decision."

Jonathan from Debt Loans presents Debt Consolidation vs. Bankruptcy | Debt Loans posted at Debt Loans, saying, "Despite Australia seemingly missing the worst of the Global Financial Crisis, there is no question that these are difficult economic times. To many people, it is a struggle just to pay the bills each month. Other people are in an even more difficult situation and, with each passing day, they are falling even further behind. What do they do?

Debt consolidation and bankruptcy are two options available for those who are deeply in debt. However, is one option better than the other? Which option is right for you?"

MoneyNing presents 401k, Traditional IRA and Roth IRA Savings Not The Same posted at Money Ning, saying, "When you plan for retirement, do you really look into the tax situation and how it will affect your account balances?"


Dan at Everydayfinance presents Swine Flu Stock Mania - Just Wait 'til Fall posted at Everyday Finance, saying, "This article highlights the recent triple digit gains in several so-called 'Swine Flu Stocks' and questions whether the hype has gotten ahead of the fundamentals."

Sun presents Broker Web-Based Trading Platform Comparison posted at The Sun’s Financial Diary.

Sam presents New !! Make Money With the Best Stock Investments in the Market posted at Surfer Sam and Friends, saying, "Thanks for including my article. Here's an excerpt...

Make Money with the Best Stock Investments
Surprising Winners in the Stock Market This Year

We screened stocks on the NYSE to find outstanding performers during the first six months of 2009, a period that began with general doom and gloom. There's a lesson to be learned from these winning stocks. When strong brands are oversold by pessimistic investors and trade at $1 or less, the best of them will bounce back with triple-digit gains. And small cap stocks have the advantage on the rebound. It's a lot harder for a $40 billion company to double in size than it is for a small cap $400 million company.

This Was the Best Quarter in the Stock Market

As investors jumped overboard this year, company stocks were driven into the basement. Buyers who went bottom-feeding and dumpster-diving this year found good values in the $1 stocks. A look in the rear view mirror shows us what stocks were ready to pop.

With investors anticipating that worst of the credit crisis was over, the second quarter of 2009 brought happy news in the stock markets. The S&P 500 index, representing over 70% of the total market capitalization of all stocks traded in the U.S., was up 15.2% for second quarter, its strongest quarter since 1998. The Dow rose 11% with its best quarter since 2003. And the NASDAQ Composite climbed up 20%, also its strongest quarter since 2003. The top 5 Dow stocks were Bank of America Corp, up 93%, American Express Co, up 70%, ALCOA Inc., up 40%, Microsoft Corp, up 29%, and The Walt Disney Co., up 28%.
The Top Ten Money-Making Stock Investments

On the New York Stock Exchange, the top 10 performers during the first half of 2009 were:

1. DTG Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Inc, up 846% to $14.77
2. CAR Avis Budget Group Inc, up 468% to $5.63
3. BGP Borders Group Inc, up 457% to $3.18
4. RT Ruby Tuesday Inc up 386% to $6.96
5. VM Virgin Mobile USA Inc, up 331% to $3.41
6. COT Cott Corp up 311% to $5.63
7. OMN OMNOVA Solutions Inc up 2955 to $3.68
8. RAD Rite Aid Corp up 274% to $1.31
9. VCI Valassis Communications Inc, up 270% to $6.15
10. PIR Pier 1 Imports Inc up 246% to $1.87"

Zach Scheidt presents S&P Hits 1,000 - A Sampling of Headlines From Last Time We Saw This Level… posted at ZachStocks, saying, "The last time the S&P was above 1,000 we were in the middle of a financial crisis which continually evolved in scope and magnitude. The question now is whether we can put the concerns behind us or whether this rally is simply a trap in a larger bear market."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of stock market fast swings from fastswings using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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