Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Entrepreneur Peter Jones

Cover of "Tycoon: How to Be REALLY Rich"
Cover of Tycoon: How to Be REALLY Rich
For the past couple of decades, one of the most electrifying and successful entrepreneurs in all of Europe has been Peter Jones.  The Peter Jones entrepreneur biography is a very impressive list of all of the businesses that he has created and turned into international success stories.

Like many great entrepreneurs, Jones has seen plenty of ups and downs during this career.  His career started when he was still a very young man.  At this point he started a computer business, which was initially very successful, but ultimately failed, which forced him to sell off his home and most of his personal assets.  At the same time he also started a bar, which he eventually sold at a big loss.

The first true success that Jones had professionally came soon afterwards.  In 1998 he started a company called Phones International Group.  Within a year his company was earning over 14 million pounds per year.  Within about five years after that, revenues went up almost ten fold.

Since creating that company, Jones has also created, established, and invested in a wide range of other businesses in several different industries.  His large number of successful businesses has helped him to gain international fame.  Jones used his personal and professional fame to enter the field of entertainment.  Jones has been involved in many different reality television programs, each of which have revolved around helping aspiring entrepreneurs to develop their own businesses and expand on their own ideas.  These have included Dragon's Den, Tycoon, and American Inventor.

Stock Carnival Ecstasy - September 24, 2013

Peer Shirt
Peer Shirt (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Welcome to the September 24, 2013 edition of Stock Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we start with an article from Chad on the Federal Reserve and tapering the of QE3. Matt Becker takes a look at peer-to-peer lending and a negative side that you don't hear too much about. Finally Bryan Chau examines value investing in a great article. Hope you enjoy all the material and come back soon.

Jim Jones
presents Investment Update, The Hidden Value Of Harvesting Timber posted at Critical Financial, saying, "How to invest in Timber"


John Schmoll presents Should You Pay Off Debt or Invest in the Stock Market First? posted at Frugal Rules, saying, "There can be a fine balance between paying off debt or investing in the stock market first. The truth is that it’s a personal decision and one that will aid your wealth building, debt reduction and saving for retirement at the same time."

presents The Federal Reserve and the Taper posted at The Stock Market and (I)ndividual Investor.

Matt Becker
presents The Peer-to-Peer Lending Numbers They Don’t Want You to See posted at Mom and Dad Money, saying, "I see a lot of glowing reviews of peer-to-peer lending extolling the high short-term returns earned by the people singing its virtues. These reported returns have always seemed a little fishy to me, so I decided to dig a little deeper. Today, I want to share some of the results I found that the peer-to-peer lending marketers hope you never see."

presents Who Needs Life Insurance? Do I Need Life Insurance? posted at MyLifeInsuranceQuotes123.com, saying, "Ever ask yourself if you need life insurance? Every stage in life requires different considerations and priorities and we must adjust our financial outlook accordingly. Here is a step by step guide evaluating who needs life insurance, from when you are single to married with kids to empty-nesters, and what factors can play a role in determining how much coverage you need."

John Schmoll
presents When It Comes To Investing, Be The One Who Dives In Head First posted at Frugal Rules, saying, "Many allow fear to hold them back when it comes to investing in the stock market. However, if you give yourself some practical lessons you can put yourself in better standing to build a retirement portfolio and begin to grow your wealth."

Bill Smith
presents Check Tax Return Online posted at 2010 Taxes to 2013 Taxes, saying, "Since the 2008 Economic debacle, the U.S. has looked for ways to maximize income while minimizing expenses."


Deron Wagner presents Top 3 Reasons Why The NASDAQ Will Soon Breakout To A New High posted at Morpheus Trading Group blog | Swing trading strategies for stocks and ETFs, saying, "Learn why the NASDAQ may finally be poised to break out above its multi-month trading range."

Aussie Investor
presents Share Price Performance History - The October Effect? posted at Cheap Shares, saying, "Is there any truth to the theory that stock prices fall in October? In this article we look at the history of share price performance in October as compared to other months of the year and see what conclusions can be drawn."

Bill Smith
presents Bank Of Scotland Rating posted at FastSwings.com - Steve Patterson, saying, "In July of this year, Moody's Investor Service announced that they would review the Royal Bank of Scotland rating in order to determine whether or not the lending institution deserved a further downgrade in rank."

Super Saver
presents Still Planning for the Worst posted at My Wealth Builder, saying, "Despite the market turnaround, I still believe things will get worse."

Bryan Chau
presents Strategies For Becoming A Value-A-Bull Stock Investor posted at Success Pen Pal, saying, "stocks, equities, value investing, strategies, success, business, work-at-home, investors, money, passive income, capital gains, etc."


Bill Smith presents Guidance For Personal Finance That Can Save These Days posted at 2012 Tax - Free Tax Filing Options, saying, "The government has become a popular source of security but real financial security is found at home when you reduce debt and have a savings."

Matt Becker
presents 5 Simple Questions to Ask Before Investing in Anything posted at Mom and Dad Money, saying, "Even when we already have an investment plan set up and running, we’re often presented with new investment opportunities that can seem pretty enticing. So how do we evaluate whether these new opportunities are right for us? We have to look beyond the hype and focus only on the aspects of the investment opportunity that are important to our specific situation. So today I’d like to talk about the five questions I think we all need to ask before deciding to put our money in any particular investment."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of stock carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Stock Carnival Ecstasy - September 3, 2013

Cover of "Jury Duty"
Cover of Jury Duty
Welcome to the September 3, 2013 edition of Stock Carnival Ecstasy. John Schmoll starts with carnival looking at the challenge of investing when you have personal debt. Matt Becker analyzes the real risk of investing in stocks today. And finally Todd has a great post on target retirement funds. Hope you like all the articles, bookmark our carnival, share on google, Tweet and like on Facebook.


John Schmoll presents Should You Pay Off Debt or Invest in the Stock Market First? posted at Frugal Rules, saying, "There can be a fine balance between paying off debt or investing in the stock market first. The truth is that it’s a personal decision and one that will aid your wealth building, debt reduction and saving for retirement at the same time"


John Schmoll presents How to Invest in the Stock Market With Little Money posted at Frugal Rules, saying, "Many believe that you need to have a lot of money before you can begin investing in the stock market. That, however, is a myth. By starting out with a little, you can begin to develop your investing discipline, but you also begin your path to growing wealth sooner."

Matt Becker
presents The Real Risk of Investing in the Stock Market posted at Mom and Dad Money, saying, "Investing in the stock market carries with it a very large risk, one that is rarely talked about in the financial media. Today I want to address that risk head-on so we can all understand exactly what we're getting into when choosing to invest in the stock market."

Bryan Chau
presents Celebrating Labor Day Weekend – My Gift To You! posted at Success Pen Pal, saying, "labor day, history, stocks, investing, success, strategies, top picks, multiple streams of passive income, etc."


Todd presents The Short and Sweet Guide to Target Retirement Funds posted at Fearless Men, saying, "How to make Target Retirement Funds work for your financial stability and retirement. Invest now and invest early!"

presents How To Get Out Of Jury Duty posted at Gajizmo, saying, "No one really enjoys jury duty, but it is part of our civic duty and we should all contribute to our democracy regularly. However, what happens when your jury summons comes at an inconvenient time in your life, especially when it can mess up your earnings and financial stability? In this guide, we explain ways to get out of jury duty legitimately."


Todd presents Bid and Ask | Understand These Terms Before Trading Stocks posted at All Things Finance, saying, "An uneducated investor may get lucky a few times, making profitable trades without knowing what these terms mean. Eventually though, this person will get burned and their luck will run out. As an investor, you MUST know what the bid and ask are and how a trade is executed. This could mean the difference between a great trade and a horrible one. If anything else, it will save you a call to your broker asking why your trade has not gone through."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of stock carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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