Welcome to the August 19, 2010 edition of Stock Carnival Ecstasy.We have a great carnival of stock and investment articles this week with Paul Bracero starting us off. Paul has a nice article on How to Make Money through Forex. Michael Pruser has a great how to article on retirement savings titled 'Leveraging Both a 401(k) and a Roth IRA for Retirement'. From the Dividend Growth Investor we learn that dividend investing is not dead. And finally there is a great post by Jacob A. Irwin on Phil Town's Rule Number 1. Jacob looks at the stock trading system to determine if it still works. Bookmark our carnival, share the link with your friends, and come back next time.
Paul Bracero presents How to Make Money through Forex posted at How to Make Money through Forex.
Silicon Valley Blogger presents Savings Account Rates: Where Are The High Returns? posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Thanks!"
Michael Pruser presents Leveraging Both a 401(k) and a Roth IRA for Retirement posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "Investing for retirement at a 2 for 1 rate!"
Rob presents Best IRA Rates posted at Stock Tips, saying, "To get the best IRA rates, you should make sure that you shop for certain services. Learn how to take advantage of finding the best IRA rates available today."
Jacob A. Irwin presents Does Phil Town's Rule Number 1 - 15 min a Week Stock Trading System Work? posted at My Money Blog - Personal Finance and Investing, saying, "The results of my 6 month investigation to find out if Phil Town's 15-minute per week investing system really works."
Alexander presents Getting Paid With Paychex posted at Dividend Stocks, saying, "Paychex may not be your payroll provider but they do pay their shareholders a nice dividend."
Moneyedup presents Invest to Improve Your Cash Flow posted at MoneyedUP, saying, "Income investing can improve your cash flow to help you meet your monthly budget needs."
Dividend Growth Investor presents Buy and hold dividend investing is not dead posted at Dividend Growth Investor, saying, "Investors who dismiss buy and hold investing altogether due to the poor performance over the past decade might be missing out on some great opportunities."
Kara Sebbert presents States with Tax-free Shopping this Summer posted at Fashion Merchandising Degrees.
Steve presents IRS Tax Consequences If A Creditor Forgives Your Debt | 2008 Taxes posted at 2008 Taxes, saying, "Home short sales are great when you owe more than what the house is worth, but sometimes you are liable to pay tax on the difference in price."
Kara Sebbert presents 10 Signs You’re an Overspender posted at Fashion Merchandising Degrees.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of stock carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: stock carnival ecstasy, blog carnival.